
Andrew’s Double Red Hot GP

Andrew’s Double Red Hot GP

It was 5 AM in the middle of July, the mosquitos were buzzing everywhere as I crashed my way through the bush and stumbled out into a marvelous looking Chinook salmon run!

My rig of choice was a 13’6 #spey rod with a skagit head and 10′ of T-11 sink tip. The fly was glowing bright in the morning light. I just knew it was going to get eaten quickly by an angry Chinook.

I walked into the run shin deep and yarded some line off my reel and unloaded the Double Red Hot GP into the river. The sink tip found it’s way into the run, the fly swung perfectly tight as my arm was yanked so hard I can still feel it today. On the end of my line a big chrome early summer Chinook salmon had crush my Double Red Hot GP. Mornings like that are what I live to swing a fly for.

Andrew’s Double Red Hot GP Recipe

Hook: TMC 7999 #2/0
Thread: UTC 140 fl Orange
Tail #1: Polar bear red
Tail #2: Krinkle mirror flash orange
Body #1a: STS Trilobal dub fl flame
Body #1b: Schlappen hackle steelhead orange
Wing #1 Golden pheasant head red
Body #2a: STS Trilobal dub fl shell pink
Body #2b: Schlappen hackle fl steelhead pink
Wing #2: Golden pheasant skin dyed red



The Double Red Hot GP has long been my fly of choice to entice big grabs from chrome summer Chinook. Fluorescent red and fluorescent orange are a key colour combination whether incorporated into your own fly, artificial or natural bait. The long wispy feathers of this fly wiggle like crazy in the water and the 2/0 profile is exactly what the Chinook are looking for. The time is now, so get out there and make your fly caught summer chinook dreams come true!

Good luck,
Andrew Redmont


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