Objective: Learn the in’s and out’s of Single Hand Fly Casting with one of the best instructors and casters around.

There will be two separate dates available for you to register for this class. This class is designed for beginner casters who want to learn how to cast a fly rod effectively and efficiently.


Date: February 22nd

Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm

Location: Como Lake (Gatensbury Rd in Coquitlam)


Date: March 14th

Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm

Location: Como Lake (Gatensbury Rd in Coquitlam)


Cost: $65 + tax
Instructor: Aaron Goodis

If you would like to register for this class please call us at 604-931-5044 or email us at searun2013@gmail.com.

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